Full Name: Oikonomou Alexandros

Responsibilities of the Secretary General
The Secretary General supports the Mayor in his administrative duties by implementing the responsibilities assigned to him by the Mayor by his decision. These responsibilities mainly concern the coordination of municipal services, so as to ensure in an efficient manner the effectiveness in achieving the periodic objectives and programs decided by the political bodies of the Municipality.


1. Provides instructions, gives directions and, more generally, coordinates the services of the Municipality in the exercise of their work, in cooperation with the respective heads.

2. Ensures that the competent services process the issues that are to be discussed before the Municipal Council and the Municipal Committee according to the agenda or have already been discussed in them, as well as supporting them before the above bodies, if deemed necessary by their President.

3. Monitors the implementation process of the decisions of the Municipal Council and the Municipal Committee by the competent services of the Municipality.

4. Participates in the procedures for preparing the Operational Plan and the Annual Action Programs of the Municipality and monitors the achievement of periodic objectives and the implementation of the corresponding programs decided by the political bodies of the Municipality.

5. Ensures the timely preparation of the periodic action reports of the Municipality in accordance with the respective programs or specific decisions and informs the Municipal Council and the Municipal Committee accordingly.

6. Organizes each new service created in the Municipality and ensures the continuous improvement of the effective action of the Municipality’s services, the adaptation of their operation to the needs of the local community and the improvement of the performance of the Municipality’s executive potential and technical means.

7. May convene periodically or on a case-by-case basis Coordinating Councils in which all or part (depending on homogeneous thematic subjects) of the Municipality’s services participate with their representatives.

8. Monitors the activities of the Municipality’s legal entities and cooperates with their administrations, in order to ensure the harmonization of the results of their activities with the Municipality’s objectives.

9. Signs the decisions granting leaves with or without pay and travel outside the headquarters of the Municipality’s employees, both domestically and internationally.

10. Signs documents in accordance with the jurisdictions assigned to him by the Mayor.

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