Municipal Committee
As of 1/1/2024 and in accordance with current legislation, municipalities are governed by the Municipal Council, the Municipal Committee and the Mayor.
The Municipal Committee is composed of the Mayor or the Deputy Mayor designated by him as President and six (6) members. Two (2) of these members are elected by the municipal minority parties.
The Municipal Committee is elected for a term of thirty (30) months.
The Municipal Council, after the election of the presidium and within the same meeting, elects from among its members by secret ballot the regular and alternate members of the municipal committee. The members of the majority and the minority are elected separately by the respective members of the municipal council.
The President of the Municipal Council is not allowed to be elected as a member of the municipal committee.
The Municipal Committee, at its first meeting after its election, elects from among its members, by open vote, the Vice-Chairman, who comes from the minority. In this case, the chairman of the committee also has the right to vote.
- It prepares and publishes, by act of its President, its operating regulations.
- Prepares and recommends the draft budget and monitors its implementation progress. It is responsible for the faithful execution of the budget and submits a quarterly report to the municipal council, which presents the status of the Municipality’s income and expenses. This report, which also includes any observations of the minority, is published on the Municipality’s website.
- It approves the Municipality’s report..
- It proposes to the municipal council the multi-annual plan for the development of the municipality’s real estate and has the responsibility and decisive authority for its implementation. The President of the Municipal Committee informs the municipal council, at a special meeting, during the month of December of each year, about the annual progress of the plan’s implementation.
- It decides on the preparation of the terms, the drafting of the announcements, the conduct and award of all forms of auctions and competitions, including those relating to projects, studies, supplies and services, as well as the formation of special committees for the conduct and evaluation of the tenders by its members or specialist scientists, employees of the Municipality or public servants.
- It exercises the duties of a contracting authority during the stage preceding the conclusion of contracts for works, studies, services and supplies, regardless of budget, except in cases of direct award, which fall under the competence of the Mayor, and decides on the approval and receipt of all types of studies of the Municipality, in accordance with article 189 of Law 4412/2016 (Government Gazette A’ 147). Specifically for contracts implemented through a public-private partnership under Law 3389/2005 (Government Gazette A’ 232), it exercises the duties of a contracting authority during the execution stage and decides on the modification of their physical and/or economic object, in accordance with the terms of the partnership agreement and the applicable legislation, as the case may be.
- Decides on the submission of proposals on behalf of the Municipality for the financing or subsidy of actions, programs and corresponding projects from national resources, European Union resources or any other body and decides, where necessary, on the acceptance of financing or subsidy or subsidy of operations that are part of all kinds of development programs or subsidy programs.
- t decides on the submission of appeals to the administrative authorities and decides on the exercise or not of all legal remedies and remedies, as well as on the waiver of them, except for cases of litigation concerning the determination or transformation of the employment relationship between employees and the Municipality, in which the exercise of legal remedies is mandatory. It also decides on the settlement or abolition of litigation involving an amount up to sixty thousand (60,000) euros, plus VAT. When the subject matter of the litigation exceeds this amount, it recommends that a decision be taken by the municipal council. No settlement or abolition of litigation is permitted for claims for wages, allowances, compensation, representation expenses, travel expenses and generally salary benefits of any form, except for those for which the legal issue has been resolved by a decision of a supreme court. The decision of the Municipal Committee for the cases of the previous paragraphs, except for those concerning the determination or transformation of the employment relationship as provided for in the first paragraph, is taken after an opinion from a lawyer, the absence of which entails the invalidity of the relevant decision. This regulation also applies when the competence is exercised by the municipal council.
- Decides on the travel and approval of the reimbursement of travel expenses of the mayor, deputy mayors and municipal councilors, outside the seat of the Municipality for the performance of duties. In urgent cases, the Mayor, Deputy Mayor or member of the municipal council is allowed to travel outside the seat without a prior decision of the financial committee. In such cases, the committee decides at its next meeting whether the travel was necessary or not.
- Decides on the payment of travel expenses and daily allowances to individual members of committees or working groups or project management teams, formed by the competent bodies, for domestic and foreign travel, which is carried out for the performance of a service related to their work, in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraph D.9 of Law 4336/2015 (A’ 94).
- It evaluates and studies the need to conclude loans with financial institutions, negotiates with them the determination of the terms of the loan and submits a relevant recommendation to the municipal council.
- It proposes to the municipal council the draft regulatory decisions of the Municipality, without prejudice to paragraph 2 of paragraph 1B of article 73, evaluates their implementation and suggests amendments, where required. The regulatory decisions are mandatorily evaluated by the municipal committee every two (2) years, from their entry into force.
- It decides on the hiring of a lawyer and the revocation of his power of attorney, in those municipalities where either lawyers have not been hired with a monthly salary or those who have been hired do not have the right to appear in supreme courts. It may also assign the provision of opinions, only if lawyers have not been hired with a monthly salary. By its decision, it is possible, exceptionally, to assign to a lawyer, extrajudicial or judicial handling, per case, of issues which are of particular importance for the interests of the Municipality and require specialized knowledge or experience. In such cases, the lawyer’s fee is determined in accordance with article 281 of Law 3463/2006 (A’ 114).
- Decides on the facilitation of debtors for amounts exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) euros, according to article 170 of the Code of Municipalities and Communities.
- Decides on the allocation of facilities, equipment and means to public benefit enterprises, according to paragraph 4 of article 259 of the Code of Municipalities and Communities.
- Decides on the acceptance of inheritances, bequests and donations to the Municipality.
- It decides on the acceptance of all types of funding, grants, including allocations of Central Autonomous Resources, subsidies, donations to the Municipality and decisions to include its actions in development programs, as well as on the provision of a binding budget reform proposal, in accordance with the procedure of par. 1 of article six of the Legislative Act of 22.8.2020 (A’ 161), which was ratified by article 2 of Law 4722/2020 (A’ 177).
- It decides on all the responsibilities of the Municipality assigned by Law 4375/2016 (A’ 51) and paragraph 10 of article 14 of Law 4332/2015 (A’ 76).
- Decides on the acceptance of all types of studies relating to projects and the provision of technical and other related scientific services, which are prepared by the municipality’s technical service.
- It proposes to the municipal council: a) Issues of determining land uses, b) Issues of implementing urban (regulatory) level plans, area regeneration, urban interventions, financing of regeneration programs, reconstruction of degraded areas, urban reform of problematic areas, compensation for street planners, urban regulations, contributions in land or money, private urban development areas, and approval of urban studies, c) Decision-making on environmental protection issues, d) Decision-making on cemetery siting issues, according to the provisions of the law. 2508/1997 (A’ 124), and cremation centers, as well as all relevant responsibilities, e) The draft regulatory decisions of articles 79 and 82 of the Code of Municipalities and Communities, f) The formulation of an opinion pursuant to sub-paragraph 2.3 of paragraph A of article 3 of law 4258/2014 (A’ 94), g) The initiation of the procedure for the preparation of a Local Spatial Plan (LSP) and a Special Spatial Plan (SSPP) and on the fate of objections concerning revisions, amendments to a city plan and any other form of spatial regulation as well as issues of transparency and e-government.
- The submission of requests for the recruitment of all types of personnel, including lawyers and legal advisors with a salaried mandate relationship and project lease contractors, in accordance with the applicable provisions, as well as for the necessity of recruiting personnel under articles 206, 209, 211 of the Code of Status of Municipal and Community Employees [Law 3584/2007 (A’ 143)] and 36 of Law 4765/2021 (A’ 6).
- The modification of the physical or economic object of contracts, in accordance with the applicable legislation in each case, and the approval of the acceptance protocol with a reasoned decision.
- The approval of the terms and the conclusion of all types of programmatic contracts and agreements under article 12 of Law 4412/2016 (Government Gazette A’ 147).
- The cancellation of debts and exemption from surcharges up to the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) euros, according to article 174 of the Code of Municipalities and Communities [Law 3463/2006 (A’ 114)].
- The return by the Municipality of unduly paid amounts.
- The conclusion of financial leases (leasing) of mechanical equipment and vehicles of the Municipality.
- Donations of equipment, supplies and vehicles to other municipalities or charitable organizations.
The Municipal Council may, for particularly serious matters, with special justification and by the absolute majority of all its members, decide to exercise the above responsibilities itself.
The Municipal Committee, through its President, submits a report of activities to the municipal council every six months, which is discussed at a special meeting.
The Municipal Committee, by a special decision taken by the absolute majority of its members, may refer a specific issue within its competence to the municipal council for decision-making, if it deems this to be required by its particular seriousness.
Κακαβάς Χρήστος
Τακτικά Μέλη οι κ.κ
1. Σταμάτης Ιωάννης
2. Ίβρος Ιωάννης
3. Κόγια Παρασκευή
4. Σκαρπής Ιωάννης
5. Γενιτσαρόπουλος Χρήστος
6. Σουλιώτης Νικόλαος
Αναπληρωματικά Μέλη οι κ.κ
(Κλειθέντα σε απουσία των τακτικών μελών τους με τη σειρά της εκλογής τους)
1. Σβέρωνη Χριστίνα
2. Γιαννιώτης Δημήτριος
3. Παρούτσας Λάμπρος
4. Σβερώνης Ιωάννης
5. Χαβέλος Αθανάσιος
Δήμος Καρπενησίου ταξίδι στην μαγεία των εποχών
6 Hydra Street
36100 Karpenisi
Τ. +30 22373-50000
E. contact@karpenissi.gr
F. +30 22373-50028