The difficult situation that has plagued us lately, combined with the high financial cost paid annually by parents for education and the insufficient support from the state, has led us to include in the framework of social solidarity, the operation of a new structure for the Municipality of Karpenisi: the Social Tutoring Center.

The aim of this structure is to provide free educational assistance to secondary school students whose families, due to the difficult financial conditions that have been created, cannot afford the specific expenses. The educational assistance provided comes exclusively and non-profitably from teachers who have declared or will declare participation in this specific initiative.

Within the framework of the operation of the Social Tutoring Center, free lessons will be provided to secondary school students (Gymnasium and Lyceum) depending on the participation of teachers and the specialties that will arise, with the aim of covering the entire range of subjects.

The subjects that will be taught at the Social Tutoring Center according to the existing teaching staff are:
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Ancient History, Art, Literature, Economic Theory, Computer Science, English, German.

The lessons will be taught during the afternoon hours at the Student Center by volunteer teachers.

The criterion for inclusion of those interested in the Social Tutoring Center will be the total income of those living with the beneficiary, while factors such as family status, social problems, unemployment, health problems will be taken into account.

In this context, we invite all middle and high school students of our Municipality who wish to attend and be supported in any of the above courses to contact the Mayor’s Office from August 22 to September 5, during working days and hours, at tel. 22373-50024, in order to receive the necessary information.

Also, teachers who wish can volunteer their teaching to the students of the “Social Tutoring Center” in order to strengthen and contribute dynamically to the provision of comprehensive education to students who face difficulties.

For more information, call: +30 2237350043.

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